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医疗保健设施的成功运营需要解决和克服无数独特的挑战, 其中许多措施的根本目的是为包括无法自我保护的居住者在内的人口提供保护. 患者的健康需要医疗保健生态系统保持适当的安全水平, 安全 and resiliency.

healthcare ecosystem 是由病人、员工、物理环境和组织的病人护理策略组成的吗. 成功保护生态系统是高可靠性组织(HROs)的标志。, 通过考虑来自物理环境的潜在威胁的整体心态来实现, technological systems, human capital and organizational operations.

由于典型的风险因素和系统复杂性,hro在避免日常事故的环境中表现出一贯的成功. 成功地限制此类事故的影响会对组织的安全产生积极影响, 安全, 和弹性,并有助于保持其能力,提供关怀和保护品牌声誉.

为了说明皇家88账户注册一点,假设一家医院正在规划一个新的病人护理塔. To approach design, 建设, occupancy and operation as an HRO, the following steps would be taken.

Design and Construction

Safety for patients, visitors and staff, along with efficient and resilient facility functionality, 是否会在规划和设计阶段早期作为主要目标引入. Compliance with minimum building and fire codes 是必须的. 但人力资源主管设定了更高的期望,并采取了更全面的观点.

  • 考虑并解决了超出最低规范要求的安全问题. When designing smoke compartments, 例如, compartment size, 行进距离和屏障结构均由规范性法规规定. Looking beyond code compliance, 皇家88账户注册些烟雾室的配置考虑了功能影响, 例如,确保消防部门可以直接进入,或确保为高视力患者提供隔离室.g.ICU)有相邻的隔间,可以在疏散期间支持皇家88账户注册些患者(如ICU).g., not a business office occupancy).
  • Early in the design, a thorough Safety Risk Assessment (SRA), including a Disaster, Emergency and Vulnerability Assessment, 是根据FGI指引进行的,以告知建筑物的弹性.
  • 设计和施工团队在整体安全和功能目标上保持一致,并在设计和施工过程中进行定期协调,以确保及早发现并迅速解决出现的问题. Discussion of design impacts on operations is key, including unique fire sprinkler designs, fire alarm designs, smoke control systems for atriums, 安全 features, generator placement, capacity and patient surge spaces.
  • 了解物理设施以外的操作影响, 人力资源办公室继续其整体方法,也专注于技术, human and organizational aspects.

Pre-Occupancy Preparation

As 建设 progresses and the occupancy date nears, 人力资源管理办公室扩大工作重点,确保员工在第一天接受培训,有效开展业务. 的 HRO develops unit-specific fire response procedures, conducts hands-on fire training with staff, and trains leadership and fire response teams. 外科防火计划和针对特殊患者的最佳实践(如.g., bariatric unit, NICU, 考虑行为健康问题,并针对紧急和灾难性事件制定积极的应对计划. Relevant questions include:

  • 组织如何管理重大患者激增事件(例如.g., mass casualty, pandemic)?
  • 如果整个塔的疏散是必要的(例如, due to major utility disruption), how would the organization conduct a full building evacuation?
  • In response to any emergency event, how would the organization provide command, control and coordination (e.g., Command Center, Incident Management Teams)?

Occupancy and Operation

人力资源管理办公室明白,建筑入住不是整个过程的结束,而是下一阶段的开始. 不断准备和承诺定期改进程序是根深蒂固的文化. Key characteristics of HROs include deference to expertise, preoccupation with failure and a commitment to resilience. 皇家88账户注册些原则促使组织不断开发或扩展现有的常规程序来监控新占用的空间. 解决护理环境问题的项目通常包括:

  • 安全和安保,包括运营安全和基础设施.
  • 有害物质的保护和管理,包括应对计划.
  • Medical equipment programs, 包括常规预防措施和故障调查协议, help determine root causes, 从错误中学习,并做出必要的调整以防止错误发生.
  • Utilities, including management and contingency plans.
  • Fire safety programs, including response plans and training.
  • 生命安全规范评估,以确保持续遵守和适当的建筑物维护.
  • Emergency preparedness training, drills and exercises.


High reliability means sustainable, 在提供的所有服务中始终保持卓越的质量和安全. 高可靠性组织坚持不懈地致力于保护其医疗保健生态系统中的重要内容. 皇家88账户注册 proudly partners with healthcare organizations, 提供解决方案,帮助他们处理皇家88账户注册些复杂的问题并实现他们的目标. 了解更多 了解延森休斯医疗团队如何帮助您的组织成为高可靠性组织.