Managing the Risks of Workplace Violence: Prevention Works




As workers return to the office, employers need to refocus on workplace safety. 根据U.S. 劳工统计局(BLS), 有4个,2020年有764人死于工作场所, which represents the lowest number since 2013. 然而, as more of us return to the office, we can anticipate that this number will rise. Intentional injuries in the workplace steadily decreased since 2016, 除了捅人事件. Workplace violence is pervasive with some estimating that workplace violence affects more than half of U.S. 组织.


美国.S. Occupational Health and Safety Agency (OSHA) defines workplace violence as “any act or threat of physical violence, 骚扰, intimidation or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the worksite.” Workplace violence includes physically violent acts - like assault and homicide – as well as incidents where employees refuse to follow policy, 对他人的攻击行为, and threatening comments directed at co-workers, 客户, 承办商或访客.

不幸的是, workplace violence data is not always clear as reporting metrics and incidence rates for these crimes reference several categories that often overlap and spill over into the workplace. These categories include domestic violence, 有针对性的暴力, 跟踪和有偏见的仇恨犯罪. Furthermore, institutional record-keeping is not always consistent.

Violence at Work Deeply Impacts People and Businesses

The physical, psychological and financial costs of workplace violence is considerable. According to the BLS, of the 4,764 fatal workplace injuries recorded in the U.S. in 2020, 329 involved 意图al injuries inflicted by another person. Medical bills covering physical and psychological support for victims and witnesses, 责任费用, negligence lawsuits and physical site damage can also be extensive. In liability cases where employers did not take proactive, preventive measures under 1996 OSHA guidelines, average jury awards were estimated at more than $3 million per person per incident. Out-of-court settlements averaged $500,000.

Following an incident of workplace violence, recovery can bring a second wave of challenges and indirect costs. 例如, employees may exhibit reduced productivity as they move to regain a sense of 安全 and morale. Further losses may result as clients and partners disassociate in response to an organization’s reputational damage, 负面宣传, 或者无法满足交付需求.

工作场所暴力研究 和实践

Research and practice have helped to not only increase understanding about workplace violence but also prevent further violent incidents in the workplace. In 2019, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) published a 20-year review of active shooter incidents in the U.S. While shootings are only one type of potential workplace violence, this study reflects how businesses and traditional workplaces are highly represented. 根据联邦调查局的调查结果:

  • Between 2000 and 2019, 305 active shooter incidents occurred in the U.S.; 40 incidents occurred in 2020.
  • 45.6 percent of incidents took place in commercial locations.
  • In businesses generally closed to pedestrian traffic, 22 out of 23 shooters were employees or former employees of the company.

基础研究,如美国.S. Secret Service’s Exceptional Case Study Project and the recent U.S. Secret Service Report on Targeted School Violence, have further addressed the thinking and behavior of offenders leading up to an act of planned violence. Targeted violence is rarely a sudden, impulsive act. These studies found that most attackers did not threaten their targets directly, 在事件发生之前, exhibited identifiable behaviors that may have signaled violent intent.

皇家88账户注册种理解的指导下, prevention-focused management strategies aim to intervene based upon identifiable behaviors often associated with the early stages of problem behaviors, such as the initial stages of planning an attack or with displays of problematic behavior.

Workplace Violence Prevention Programs Produce Significant Benefits

Workplace violence prevention programs are designed to engage and identify opportunities for early 干预, assist 经理 and employees who may be in crisis, 加强员工安全. Taking a proactive approach to workplace violence prevention and implementing a comprehensive workplace violence prevention program with a robust training focus increases workplace and employee 安全.

Such practices support the early identification of red flags as well as opportunities to intervene before violence occurs. 其结果是提高了员工的士气, 更好的工作效率, greater cross-functional collaboration and information sharing, 不间断的商业运作. An effective workplace violence prevention program also results in stronger enterprise risk management and decreased liability resulting from a reduction in workplace violence incidents.

Core Elements of an Effective Workplace Violence Prevention Program

While it is required by law in some industries and countries, establishing an effective workplace violence prevention and 干预 program has become standard, 皇家88账户注册是全球企业的好做法. These programs generally include the following components, each of which are part of a systemic approach to reducing workplace violence.

  • Development of policies that guide and inform actions, including issues from reporting to privacy regulations
  • Established 程序 and guidelines that help implement policy goals
  • 跨职能, collaborative threat assessment and management focus on prevention, 干预, 危机应对, 和恢复
  • 基于角色的, 培训和政策意识, 程序, 以及整个组织的指导方针, 包括一般劳动力, 监事, 经理, 以及威胁评估小组成员

Critical Importance of Threat Assessment Teams

Strong 工作场所暴力预防项目 assess all threats to ensure they are appropriately handled. Individuals who demonstrate a clear intent to cause harm – either through actions, verbal threats or other communicated means –are often at high risk for engaging in threat activity. The challenge for employers is deciding when aggressive behaviors pose a threat to the workplace.

当有一个强大的程序支持时, 威胁评估小组s are widely recognized as the most effective means for determining whether the individual poses a true threat of harm. 皇家88账户注册些团队, 经过适当的培训, evaluate the evidence and assess whether an individual is on a pathway to violence. Conducting threat assessments helps 组织 separate those who actually pose a threat from those who make a threat or engage in other inappropriate behavior.

Moreover, using a multi-disciplinary behavioral 威胁评估小组 can save lives. This team might be composed of representatives from HR, 安全, 法律, and management as well as external specialists in law enforcement, 心理健康, 有针对性的暴力. 然而, merely establishing a team does not establish an organization’s ability to help prevent 有针对性的暴力.

It is critically important that these team members receive specific training in their respective team roles and responsibilities as well as in the principles of behavioral threat assessment, 警告标志, and the importance of information sharing, 在其他主题中. Although many companies and government agencies have established 威胁评估小组s, their team members often lack the training, skills and strategies needed to effectively evaluate threats.


Threat assessment teams are charged with gathering and assessing information about individuals who may have the interest, 动机, 意图, and capability of violence toward another. Their purpose is not necessarily to facilitate a charge, 逮捕, or conviction but instead develop and implement a plan to monitor the individual and intervene, 如果合适的话. We know that 逮捕 is not always a deterrent. The end goal is to reduce propensity for violence and mitigate the threat.

Behavioral threat assessments include a heavy focus on the social networks of the individual of concern. A diverse 威胁评估小组 examines the individual’s family ties, 工作的关系, 社交媒体形象, 在社会中的角色, 刑事司法互动, 心理健康 and social service engagements. Although 逮捕s and convictions may occur in response to threats in the workplace, a coordinated systematic approach to assessing and managing individuals who may pose a threat of violence is the best opportunity to prevent violence in the long-term.


预防工作. 具有高效、多学科的能力 威胁评估小组 在适当的位置, 组织 can identify individuals of concern, 收集和评估信息, 管理风险. 当实现, these nuanced and intricate methods can save lives, 降低风险, and support stable and productive workplaces.

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黛布拉K. 科比
Debra brings command experience in patrol operations, 调查, 有组织犯罪, 执法培训, 政策发展, data-led policing and internal affairs with an acute focus on integrity systems, covert operations and the need for strong accountability practices in support of operational priorities.